Police & Military Issue Cabinet

- Dimensions: 1140mm H x 1050mm W x 640mm D
- Pistol and Magazine Storage Insert
- Pistol Magazine Storage Insert
- Rifle Magazine Storage Insert
- Batons Storage Insert
- Adjustable Dividers for other equipment, NFE, NVG, etc.
- Storage Inserts made from High Integrity Foam
- Durable rubber-lined draw bases
- Abloy Security Locking System
- Grey Sandtex Powder Coated Finish for extra durability
- Option Rubber Counter-top to accommodate workspace
- Drawer Capacity 70kgs evenly distributed

Optional Drawer Sets

Baton Insert
50 Per Drawer

Pistol & Mag Insert
30 Per Drawer

Pistol Mag Insert
200 Per Drawer

Rifle Mag insert
85 Per Drawer
